
How Social Media Apps Banality Daily Life Significance

September 17, 2024

In present times, when social media apps rule the world, we are becoming more caught up in an endless loop of digital banality. The continuous demand of having a perfect life as seen on social media, has trapped us. The urge ranging from aesthetic dine-in views to flawless selfies has increased more. These activities are normalized on the internet space which has a direct effect on our everyday real life. It seems to lack real-life experiences.

Every day we see the same repetitive content on our screen. Day in and day out there comes a flood of the same photos i.e. food shots, workout selfies, and vacation pictures. This repetitive content has drained all the fun and excitement making unique experiences less visible. Instead of being selected for true enjoyment, events, and activities are carried for their ability to create social buzz. This shift has standardized the online community.  

Impact of Social Media Apps that Overshadows the Experiences of Everyday Life

Social media has shaped the way we share our lives online with our family and friends. However, it was actually started to connect online socially with friends and family where we all can share our experiences, and celebrate achievements. Today the media creates the concept of continuous excitement by showcasing a lifestyle full of experiences and thrills. However, this fake version of reality has the power to change views and increase unrealistic expectations.

This change has led to an alarming increase in anxiety and depression rates around the world. The stress of upholding this masked appearance is hazardous to mental health. It is increasing feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem.

Affecting Mental Well-Being

Research has shown that one of the main causes of poor mental health is the ongoing pressure of unrealistic social media standards. According to the Royal Society of Public Health, 70 percent of young people report feeling more worried and depressed after using social media. The main reason is that they believe that their lives are not perfect as shown in the idealized visuals of the online world.

The increase in comparison that their lives are not good enough is because of the inferiority complexes that are rising from the masked appearances of the social media world. In the end, it becomes quite difficult to live up to such high expectations.

The Perception of All Glitter and Gold

Social media offers a glimpse into a joyful world. However, it is nothing more than a delusion. Above all, the majority of social media influencers share the perfect life frame in their reels eliminating the dark side of their lives. This gives rise to a false viewpoint because everything appears more glamorous and dazzling than it actually is. This foundation of unreasonable expectations has increased the constant fear of losing in real life. Everyone is now in the denial phase and expecting their lives to become perfect and free from all the harsh realities of life.

The Desire of Approval

Likes and comments on social media give people a sense of worth. It seems like it is some kind of social currency that boosts their self-esteem. However, this validation and desire to get accepted is temporary. It leads to an endless cycle of posting, then waiting for likes, and then sharing some content online again in the constant urge to get more likes and followers. Social media apps that focus on everyday life highlight how shallow this kind of validation is, and how it affects our sense of self-worth.

Escaping the Ordinary

Chasing approval on social media often means losing touch with who we really are. Influencers and users spend so much time creating perfect posts, that they forget their true selves. When everyone starts to dress the same and do similar things in the name of ongoing trends on social media, the online world becomes a boring place where everyone seems to be the same. This makes the ordinary aspects of daily life appear even more insignificant.

Ending Notes

Breaking this cycle requires continuous effort. We all must play our part to create a social world where we can share genuine moments of joy, not just the perfect ones. Don’t forget that social media only shows one version of life. So, resisting competition is very much important to be yourself. By making intentional changes, we can bring more variety and meaning to our everyday life. 

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